Harmonic Balancer
Bounty: $6.00
Posted By: HelpIdentify
I'd Like to Know:
what make and model this will fit , looks like, but its not because mine is 8" OD, 1967 PRW Pontiac Harmonic Balancer SFI Rated Damper, STEEL RACE, 5.50"
Item History: looks like, 1967 PRW Pontiac Harmonic Balancer SFI Rated Damper, STEEL RACE, 5.50"
but its not because mine is 8" OD,
Size: 8"
Markings: M-B
What are you measuring that's 8", the hub or the pulley? It looks like a Pontiac balancer and they come in different diameters. Link has a 6.9" diameter.
By: stamcon Submitted on: 02/13/2025 at 06:22AM
Reason: looks like I am getting 5.2" on top and 5.7 on the bottom, and then 8" on the pulley, as its is probably a Pontiac, I put the measurements on the pictures