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THIS IS A TOP HANDLE TO A VINTAGE /ANTIQUE IRON “Sad” is an Old English word for “solid,” and the term “sad iron” is often used to distinguish the largest and heaviest of flat irons, usually 5 to 9 pounds. THIS PROTECTS THE HAND FROM GETTING BURNT CLIPS IN SO YOU CAN PICK UP THE CAST IRON BOTTON AFTER HEATED.

Bounty: $6.00

Posted By: HelpIdentify
Listed: January 06, 2016 Ends: April 05, 2016

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Item History: Unknown

Size: 6''

Markings: None

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THIS IS A TOP HANDLE TO A VINTAGE /ANTIQUE IRON “Sad” is an Old English word for “solid,” and the term “sad iron” is often used to distinguish the largest and heaviest of flat irons, usually 5 to 9 pounds. THIS PROTECTS THE HAND FROM GETTING BURNT CLIPS IN SO YOU CAN PICK UP THE CAST IRON BOTTON AFTER HEATED.


By: sontom

Submitted on: 03/05/2016 at 11:06PM