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It is the (incomplete-) lift-out door of a round floor safe, without the dial. The slot enables putting money in the safe without actually opening it. It is similar to the safes in this weblink. I assume it's a vintage CD7 "Star" safe door.

Bounty: $5.00

Posted By: HelpIdentify
Listed: December 25, 2015 Ends: March 24, 2016

I'd Like to Know:

I'd like to know what this is, what it goes to, what it is used for and who manufactures it.

Item History: N/A

Size: 7-1/2" in diameter.

Markings: It has a small metal plate on it that has the model no. and serial no. at the top. Although there isn't a model no. there is a serial no. 165393. There is also a large 'Y' with the number 3 above it.

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It is the (incomplete-) lift-out door of a round floor safe, without the dial. The slot enables putting money in the safe without actually opening it. It is similar to the safes in this weblink. I assume it's a vintage CD7 "Star" safe door.


By: Ehorsepower

Submitted on: 02/23/2016 at 02:44PM